Course details

National Diploma in Hospitality (Management) (Level 5)
NZQF Level 5

About the course

The holder of this qualification will have a sound knowledge of underpinning management theory as applicable to the hospitality industry and will be able to perform core, practical activities at an operational level.

This qualification is intended for people with no prior experience in hospitality but who wish to acquire broad knowledge and understanding of the operational divisions of this sector. The knowledge and understanding gained through attaining this qualification will provide sound preparation for entry into management-level positions within the hospitality industry, particularly in the areas of Food and Beverage Service, Accommodation, and Kitchen Production. The breadth of knowledge and practical experience acquired through this qualification will equip holders of the qualification to be valuable staff members across a range of operational divisions.

People awarded this qualification will be capable of leading a small team and/or managing a small business unit within a large establishment. They will be capable of applying management theory to operational situations as they arise. Holders of this qualification will also be able to provide high levels of customer service through the direct provision of operational service.

About the provider

Crown is Auckland's leading Business, Travel & Tourism, Hospitality and English Language training college and one of the largest and most reputable schools in New Zealand. Each year, graduates from our courses with outstanding results and turn their international career dreams into a reality. Crown has a long reputation for providing a friendly atmosphere with kind, caring and experienced staff. We take a personal interest in your happiness when you choose to study with us.